Numbers Don’t Lie

A 2001 study of nationally reported motorcycle fatality statistics found that states with mandatory motorcycle laws have a higher rate of fatalities than states with voluntary motorcycle laws: 6.12 fatalities compared to 5.09 fatalities per 10,000 motorcycle registrations.

This is a 20 percent difference that proves a rider has a 1-in-5 greater chance of dying with a helmet than without!

States where motorcycle helmets are optional

Tennessee is one of only 19 states to require the driver of a motorcycle and any passenger to wear a helmet. The law not only takes away the individual liberty of motorcyclists in Tennessee and those traveling through the state; it costs the state significant tourism revenues.

By changing Tennessee’s motorcycle helmet law to include the freedom of choice for those ages 21 and up, Tennessee motorcyclists will have their rights restored, and the state will be one step closer to becoming a premier tourist destination.